
Showing posts with the label maintenance

Low Maintenance Indoor Plants

If too many rays has shriveled your plants in the past opt for sun lovers like yucca. Called Snake Plant or Mother-in-Laws Tongue this houseplant has striking sword-shaped leaves that add height greenery and simply make any interior feel happier. My Houseplant Collection 12 Easy Low Maintenance Plants Youtube Theres no potting and soil involved in the care and maintenance of these plants. Low maintenance indoor plants . Boston ferns mainly need a cool place with high humidity and indirect. Why we like it. Native to South America Jade is a low maintenance indoor plant. Its best to water your air plant once every week. A succulent that retains water in its round fleshy leaves. When youre working with a dark room give low-light options like pothos prayer plants and dracaena a go. Golden Pothos tolerates low light low humidity and low temperatures making it one of the top-selling houseplants in the country. The leaves of s ome of the varieties are heart shaped which a